Two shows added amidst a pandemic!

Two shows coming up this month, the first a last minute booking for this Saturday, September 5th! During these disturbing times, we ask everyone coming out to be safe and social distance. The shows are outdoors with plenty of room for social distancing. Bring a chair or a blanket and absolutely BRING A MASK. Masks are required to enter the brewery and use the restrooms. If you are drinking Oozlefinch’s delectable brews, you will undoubtedly need to use the facilities, and to do so you must WEAR a mask. Though it be a mighty burden, we also ask folks to refrain from hugging the band. Hugging would violate social distancing guidelines, plus we’ll be sweaty and possibly tipsy, we might fall and break a hip and no one wants that. The shows are September 5th and 18th (and are contingent upon good weather). September 5th is part of Oozlefinch’s 4th anniversary party, we play 7-10 pm. September 18th will be 7-9:30 pm. Come out and see us, and remember the dream of live music!

Gina Dalmas